Boston's Premier Vlog

Vince Ash – Text Free

Coming out of Hammond, Indiana – Vince Ash arguably has one of the hardest informercials of 2018 with “Text Free”. In a conversation with The Fader (who premiered “Text Free”) the 21-year old said the concept for the video behind the second single off his debut EP (“Do or Die”) was to make an informercial letting the listeners know what services he has (or had) available. Calling it “Text Free” because that app played a big role in making all those services possible. Vince connected with Josh Jonez the director who put the concept on the screen to perfection. Jonez shots and editing gives you no other option but to feel the gloomy vibe of the record. Many are calling Vince Ash one of the better newcomers to scratch the surface this year – after you hear (and see) “Text Free” you might feel the same way. Let us know whether you agree or disagree with that statement in the comments below after you watch the Midwest rapper make his debut in the TMTV Theater. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)

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Vince Ash

IG: @1022Vito
Twitter: @1022Vito
Soundcloud: 1022VITO

Josh Jonez

IG: @Jonez___
Twitter: @Jonez___


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