Boston's Premier Vlog

Pistola – P.I.S.T.O.L.A.

2018 is looking to be the year where much light is shed on a new class of young talent from Boston that have been gaining genuine traction in recent years without much material out. Pistola is surely one of those names as Stola keeps his releases minimal but when they come people gravitate. He’s gearing up to drop his debut project in 2018 so please be on the look out but don’t be surprised if the sounds just catch up to you. For a glimpse of what his debut will provide, we’ll put you onto “P.I.S.T.O.L.A.” which was produced by Stoop Kidd (a new promising Boston producer). Stola makes sure MA is well represented having other artists in the visual such as Jefe Replay, FabzAbove & Patrick Michel but also shows love to MA Clothing Line Dareales. Xandros (new videographer who’s worked with people like Lil Skies) finesses great effects & camera work to pull together all these ingredients for the video to be what it is so definitely let us know what you think by commenting below! #TMTV

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Soundcloud: Pistola


IG: @XandrosPhoto
Twitter: @XandrosPhoto


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Twitter: @1Stoopkid


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