Larry DeVille Feat. Gio Dee – Something’s Gotta Give
With Larry DeVille’s first single off his debut project we get the visual for “Something’s Gotta Give”. In the Somerville rapper’s worthy TMTV debut he taps some hometown heavyweight’s for every part of the process. Getting the mellow motivational bop produced by IntlShow, then featuring 617 favorite GioDee and working with the largely known Gil Videos to direct the visual. In the video we see a lot of scenes of the city to accompany the Massachusetts emcees verses of trying to make it happen in this world full of madness. “Weight of the world on my shoulders/Pressure couldn’t break me if it tried” – DeVille opens his with. Making a positive first impression – Larry builds up some anticipation for his upcoming project “Lost in Boston”. Put some comments below with your thoughts on the record and artist after you catch the video in our theatre. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)
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Larry DeVille
IG: @LarryDeVille
Twitter: @Larry_DeVille
Soundcloud: Larry DeVille
Gio Dee
IG: @IAmGioDee
Twitter: @IAmGioDee
Soundcloud: Gio Dee
Gil Videos
IG: @GilVideos
Twitter: @GilVideosNY
IG: @TheMuseumTV
Twitter: @TheMuseumTV
Soundcloud: #TheMuseum TV