Boston's Premier Vlog

KyE Nathaniel – COLE BENNETT

In one of the more creative videos of the year KyE Nathaniel has the self-directed visual for “Cole Bennett”. New Bedford, Massachusetts’ emcee continues to prove is prominence as a wordsmith with this release. But even with his elite wordplay, Nathaniel finds a way to raise his own creativity bar with videos a couple notches every time he puts out a new video. You can hit the TMTV archives for “Deadshot” and “Pure Meditation” to grab an idea. Paying homage, on this release, of course to Chicago’s heavyweight- Cole Bennett in the title, the video features some trippy effects but also features “subtitles” (or a variation of subtitles) sharing double-entendres for each line he raps. AKT Aktion supplied the 2018 influenced boom-bap-boom production which proved the be super fitting to let KyE Nathaniel let out a bar fest. He was even able to grab the attention of Cole Bennett himself who said “Loved It” in the comment section of the original YouTube post for the video. But how are y’all feeling this one from one of MA’s own? Watch the video in TMTV Theater then let us know below. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)

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KyE Nathaniel

IG: @KyENathaniel
Twitter: @KyENathaniel
Soundcloud: KyENathaniel

Nathan Taber

IG: @Nathan_Taber_Visuals


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