Boston's Premier Vlog

King Fiya – Ounces

King Fiya released his well-received, debut project “Money Dreaming” last year but he’s still giving us visual drops off it. Most recently one for “Ounces”. While the directors MarkTheCanonBoy and LeeVisions keep it smooth and simple – it’s just right and it’s just enough to put “Ounces” back in rotations for the summer. The Cambridge native connected with a right-hand of his, as far as producers go, in Cartier C. You can hear the chemistry the two share on the softly dark but jaunty record sure to make you head bob. From the title we expected it to the cater to the trap audience but from the hook you can tell King Fiya is catering to anybody that has been back stabbed or turned on anybody that’s trying to get it. Go watch the video in the TMTV Theater then leave your thoughts on the King Fiya’s newest release in the comments below. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)

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King Fiya

Instagram: @1FiyaMane
Twitter: @KingFiya
Soundcloud: King Fiya

Cartier C

Instagram: @1CartierC
Twitter: @1CartierC


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