FAbzabove Feat. Donald Grunge & Splash Got’Em – Henny Sippa
“HENNY SIPPA! GLOCK GRIPPER! FUCK NIGGA!” Debuting for the first time this year in the TMTV Theatre with the clique-cut heater : “Henny Sippa”, FAbzabove linked Donald Grunge and Splash Got’Em over the Maka instrumental. Needless to say this was very Boston – visual directed by Xandros as well. Donald Grunge & Splash Got’Em are new to the TMTV pages but after this you should expect more from each individual artist. Fabz (the rap introvert) is working on his debut EP “Time Isn’t Real” currently, Grunge (the rap rockstar) put out his “Cowboy Talk” project November 30th and Splash (the secretive splash) has been quiet but should have some new solo material on the way as well. So basically things are looking up for all parties involved. The visual is a high-energy rage. If they aren’t getting lit at a show then we see the them turning up a house, a street corner or basketball court. We also get cameos from some familiar faces in Jefe Replay, Pistola, Young Seuss, Dezzi Dinero and others (even the Middle East Club makes a guest appearance). Check it out in the theatre then leave some of your thoughts on the release in the comment section below. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)
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IG: @FAbzabove
Twitter: @FAbzabove
Soundcloud: FABZABOVE
Donald Grunge
IG: @_DonaldGrunge
Twitter: @_DonaldGrunge
Soundcloud: Donald Grunge
Splash Got’Em
IG: @SplashGotEm
Twitter: @Splash_Jacuzzi_
Soundcloud: Splash Got’Em
IG: @XandrosPhoto
Twitter: @XandrosPhoto
IG: @MakaOceania
Twitter: @MakaOceania
The Museum TV
IG: @TheMuseumTV
Twitter: @TheMuseumTV
Soundcloud: #TheMuseum TV