Dutch ReBelle – Faded
We all know how much work the Queen Dutch ReBelle puts in when it comes to this Music. She’s easily one of the Most Hardest Working Women in Boston Music History. Pull up the Resume. Showing off her versatility, her latest project “Bang Bang” (Out Now!) gave us the edgier side of her “KissKissBangBang” catch phrase. Although a record like “Faded” is a mild break from all the edge on the project, it’s great to see Dutch finally enjoying some R&R. (Relaxation & Reefer as she puts it.) DJ Detonate captured these sights for us as Dutch is going through her day enjoying herself amongst some Amazing Views. Take a look at the Video & Let us know what you Think! Continue to Check Up on Boston’s Premier Vlog for Culture Updates from Boston & Beyond. #TMTV
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Dutch ReBelle
IG: @DutchReBelle
Twitter: @DutchReBelle
DJ Detonate
IG: @DJDetonate
Twitter: @DJDetonate
The Museum TV
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Twitter: @TheMuseumTV