Dun Dealy – Paid In Full
Last time Dun Dealy was on the TMTV pages was back in the Boombox Basement days. Actually he had the series finale performing “Visions of Gotti”. But recently he delivered his most polished body of work to date with “Captain Status 103”. On the intro (“Paid In Full”), the Boston emcee pays homage to the cult classic with a cold, dark verse over gloomy production provided by Banks808Mafia. Dun Dealy connects with Gil Videos on the visual – masking up in the 617 streets. Watch Dun Dealy’s TMTV Theatre debut with “Paid in Full” then leave a your opinions on the record and visual below in the comments. Keep checking in with Boston’s Premier Vlog to stay updated with the newest quality music from Boston to Beyond. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)
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Dun Dealy
IG: @DunDealyRNO
Twitter: @DunDealyRNO
SoundCloud: DunDealyRNO
Gil Videos
IG: @GilVideos
Twitter: @GilVideosNY
IG: @TheMuseumTV
Twitter: @TheMuseumTV
Soundcloud: #TheMuseum TV