Boston's Premier Vlog

Caliph & Jefe REPLAY – The Mood

We finally get the full screening to Caliph & Jefe REPLAY’s “The Mood”! There were some awesome sneak peaks from last summer that had people talking and it seriously was well worth the wait. Caliph and Jefe REPLAY (individually) are gearing to give people more music so this is a great appetizer. Camera work was handled by The Main Idea. Record produced by Obeatz. Take a look at the video & let us know what you think by commenting below! #TMTV

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IG: @CaliphGK
Twitter: @CaliphGK
Soundcloud: Caliph

Jefe Replay

IG: @JefeReplay
Twitter: @JefeReplay
Soundcloud: Jefe Replay

The Main Idea

IG: @TheMainIdea
Twitter: @UAlreadyKnowJMP


IG: @Obeatz
Twitter: @ObeatzNYC


IG: @TheMuseumTV
Twitter: @TheMuseumTV
Soundcloud: #TheMuseum TV