Boston's Premier Vlog

Almighty Koda – Margiela Kicks

Where the video shows respects to one of the most recognized scenes in cult classic “Paid In Full” and where the single itself shows Almighty Koda’s growth as an individual as well as an emcee – it’s only right he debuts on our TMTV pages with his new drop “Margiela Kicks”. A single highlighting the glory from a “something-out of-nothing” story. With our first look (and listen) at Koda he shows he walks the thin line between rapping and singing like most artists do in modern day hip hop. But within his lyrics he lets audiences know he has content as well. In the video he’s turning up with his team Mitch, Rico and Ace style after a reenactment of one of the staple scenes in Paid In Full: Calvin and Ace in the laundromat. Boston, overall, continues to have artists put on showcasing the talent in the city and Almighty Koda is no exception. He serves as the director (with help from videographer, editor and co-director PeaceGod Films), one of the main characters and obviously the lyricist too. Share your feelings on the “Margiela Kicks” down in the comments after you watch the visual in the TMTV Theater. #TMTV (written by: @NateSaid)

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Almighty Koda

IG: @Almighty_Koda_
Twitter: @AlmightyKoda
Soundcloud: Almighty Koda




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