Boston's Premier Vlog

Legacy 8 Supply stops by to talk about their Customizable Clothing

As a platform in the city of #Boston where many things get overlooked, we have a chance to fix that with #TheMUSEUM TV. Boston is on the up and up right now. A lot of dope things coming to fruition and we wanted to put you guys onto Ralph, founder of Legacy Eight Supply. His brand specializes in customizable clothes that are still subtle. Ralph has a dope outlook on how he treats those who interact with his brand. You could honestly take a note from this. Dope Sit Down. #TMTV

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#TheMUSEUM TV’s intro was done by Dillon Harris. Any inquiries of your own related to making similar visuals/graphics can be sent to:

Legacy Eight Supply

IG: @L8Supply


Instagram: @TheMuseumTV
Twitter: @TheMuseumTV
Soundcloud: #TheMuseum TV


Instagram: @Bro_Got
Twitter: @R_TheMUSEUM


StupidGenius – Jodeci Mode

Listen to “Jodeci Mode” on Soundcloud HERE!